Experts in filament winding robots and software

TANIQ - Pioneering with filament winding robots and software since 2006

Our goal is to become the number 1 supplier of robotic winding equipment and filament winding software in the world, by supplying the best technical solutions and providing top-notch service & support to our clients.

Robotic winding specialist since 2006

TANIQ started in 2006 as a spin-off company from the Aerospace Faculty of Delft University of Technology. TANIQ started pioneering with robotic filament winding using industrial KUKA robots and inhouse developed winding software. In 2009 TANIQ supplied their first robotic filament winding system to a US client in the Defense Industry. Since then TANIQ has supplied robotic winding machines to clients in demanding industries worldwide.

Filament winding software TaniqWind since 2008

In 2008 TANIQ realized that the commercially available winding software was not made for robotic winding, and had design limitations for the speciality applications TANIQ was working on. Therefore, TANIQ started developing their own filament winding software TaniqWind. Developed by winding specialists this software has powerful functions and optimized workflow for composite engineers. TANIQ initially only developed custom software packages which were supplied together with TANIQ’s robotic winding systems. In 2022 TANIQ released TaniqWind Pro, which is a generic filament winding software that is compatible with all CNC and robotic winding systems.

Composite Engineering

TANIQ assists manufacturers with developing composite products and production processes. With 18 years of experience, our team has extensive knowledge of designing composite parts using TaniqWind software and FEA software for analysis. TANIQ has two robotic prototyping systems in-house that are used for internal R&D and for supporting our clients with their product and process development.

Composite Pressure Vessels

Composite pressure vessels for Hydrogen storage are one of the main applications that TANIQ’s clients are working on. TANIQ supports her clients with dedicated solutions in the TaniqWind Pro software, including unique panels for designing composite layers for COPVs, and material build-up calculations optimized for polar openings and dome regions. Besides COPVs TANIQ also works on development of other composite parts for the Aerospace and Aviation industry such as missiles, canisters, and magnetic rotors.

Our Team

TANIQ is a technology company developing robotic and software solutions for the composite industry. TANIQ’s team consists of engineers specializing in different areas of expertise such as composite engineering, robotic winding and software development.

The company is managed by its two Directors Sören Blomaard and Coen ten Herkel, who founded the company as Delft University of Technology alumni in 2006. TANIQ’s office and prototyping facility are located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Work with our team of winding experts!