TaniqWind Pro - Functionality and Highlighted Features

Improve your composite design and production process with our powerful Features

TaniqWind Pro is developed by TANIQ’s winding experts based on their experience with the internal TaniqWind software used on a daily basis for challenging winding projects for over 14 years. This resulted in a newly developed software, with a professional interface based on widely used CAD/CAM interface conventions. Using their experience with composite design and manufacturing they created an intuitive workflow guiding the user through logical steps working through the menu tabs from left to right. With a high demand for composite pressure vessel design from the market, a unique panel was developed which makes it intuitive and efficient to design composite layers for pressure vessels. Furthermore, supporting the design and analysis of composite pressure vessels a powerful FEA Toolbox has been developed, wherein the user can create an FE model, generate meshes, and export models to Abaqus and Hyperworks. The software also has advanced panels supporting the creation of production programs for CNC or Robotic equipment. It has a unique panel for creating post-processors wherein the user can edit and customize to their requirements. Finally, it is the only software having a dedicated robotic post-processor making it the go-to software for robotic winding.

Feature Overview

    • Continuous mandrel profile description

    • Coverage path algorithm

    • Adjustable start-winding-position

    • Constant in-plane curvature paths

    • Build-up model for tapes

    • Finite Element Model Export

    • Powerful post-processor

    • Production parameter integration

    • Robotic winding fully integrated

    • Software as a service (SaaS)

    • Mandrel data import feature (incl. DXF)

    • Pipes, Pressure Vessels and axis symmetrical mandrel geometries

    • Winding path & pattern generator

    • Geodesic and non-geodesic winding paths

    • Circumferential (hoop) winding

    • Helical winding

    • Transition layer winding

    • Segmented path option for designing advanced winding paths

    • Winding path and pattern simulation

    • Machine Program editor (e.g. Syntax, Declarations, etc.)

    • Customizable process settings panel (e.g. variable winding tension)

Highlighted features

  1. Optimized Mandrel Definition

Instead of discretizing the mandrel surface into individual sections, TaniqWind uses a novel approach providing a continuous representation of the surface using an analytical model. This improved profile definition increases the accuracy of the winding paths, leading to improved product quality and smoother machine movements.

  • Improved profile description as continuous analytical surface

  • Increased accuracy of winding path calculations

  • More accurate and reliable FE results

  • Smoother machine movements

2. Layer Design Panel

TaniqWind Pro has a unique panel for designing composite layers. It has a coverage path algorithm that automatically searches for patterns corresponding to the requested coverage. This is achieved by automatically changing several parameters within a given bandwidth such as i) winding angle, ii) polar opening, iii) friction and iv) dwell. This functionality is especially useful for designing pressure vessels whereby a 200% coverage per layer is required, without having gaps or overlap between adjacent tapes.

The software automatically searches for a composite layer within the specified bandwidth of the following criteria:

  • Coverage

  • Angle

  • Polar opening

  • Friction

  • Dwell

3. Adjustable start-winding position

TaniqWind has a unique function for shifting the start-winding-position to any location on the profile. Instead of having a fixed start-stop position, this position can be defined separately for each layer. This allows to start a helical layer on any desired position on the cylinder or dome sections. Spreading of the start-stop positions prevents local build-up and stress concentrations in the composite structure.

  • Start winding at any desired location along the profile

  • Start-stop position are identical

4. Constant in-plane curvature paths

Besides friction, also constant in-plane curvature can be used to generate non-geodesic paths. The constant in-plane curvature functionality creates tape paths using the maximum allowable in-plane curvature as the criteria. This feature is especially useful for tape placement processes where path trajectories are not defined by friction but are restricted by the maximum allowable in-plane curvature of the tape.

  • Design winding paths based on in-planar curvature of the tape to prevent buckling

5. Build-up model for tapes

TANIQ has developed sophisticated mathematical models resulting in a powerful build-up prediction panel for filaments and tapes.  In the panel, the calculated build-up profiles can easily be adjusted or smoothened. The improved build-up calculation provides accurate predictions of actual build-up behavior during manufacturing, drastically improving consistency between the Finite Element Model and the final product.

  • Advanced mathematical models to represent the build-up behavior

  • Optimized for critical product regions such as domes and polar openings for pressure vessels

  • Build-up panel with options for ‘smoothing’

  • Accurate match of actual build-up behavior during manufacturing

  • High consistency between the design, FEA model and the final product

6. Finite Element Model Export

TaniqWind has an integrated FEA Toolbox functionality, with mesh generator, for exporting FE models to Abaqus and Hyperworks. It also supports a special shell element containing information on the number of tows and the individual tow directions per element, providing a high-fidelity data file, required for Altair’s Multi-Scale modeling approach.

  • Generate data files for FE models automatically

  • Generate and preview of meshing

  • Supporting Abaqus (shell, 2D axisymmetric and 3D elements)

  • Supporting Hypoerworks (shell and 3D elements )

7. Powerful Post-processor

Within TaniqWind users can define their Robotic or CNC winding machine and create a post-processor.  In the post-processor panel, the user can customize the machine program and production procedure, having full access to the software computed trajectory (e.g. machine positions, orientations), providing users with a powerful tool for creating customized production programs.

  • Make post-processor for your Robotic or CNC winding equipment

  • Maximum freedom for customizing your winding programs

8. Production parameter integration

In the production settings panel, the user can define production parameters such as tape tension or laser power and set variable values for these production parameters per layer, and even per different section in the profile. Examples: varying the winding tension between hoop and helical layers or varying laser power for different sections within a layer.

  • Add and definde process control parameters

  • Set variable values for process parameters for different profile sections

9. Robotic winding fully integrated

TaniqWind was developed in 2007 for Robotic Winding and has a dedicated robotic post-processor taking full advantage of all motion and control capabilities (instead of CNC movements being converted to robot movements). Some options within the software are defining a robot-held mandrel with stationary winding eye, defining additional twist/yaw axis on the tool, and checking for reachability and singularity & collision detection.

  • Dedicated post-processor for robotic winding

  • Utilizing all motion capabilities of the robot

  • Including reachability checks, and singularity & collision detection

10. Software as a Service (SaaS)

TaniqWind can also be offered on a subscription basis, whereby the user can select the package (Lite, Extended or Full) and options that best fits their needs. The subscription model provides greater flexibility, scalability and cost-effectiveness. The TaniqWind subscription includes automatic updates and maintenance, providing users with access to the latest updates and improvements without additional costs or efforts.

  • Subscription based model offering flexibility, scalability and cost-effectiveness

  • Including automatic updates & maintenance

Explore TaniqWind Pro more in-depth with our Tutorial series, designed to help current users maximize the potentials of the software, and for those interested in gaining a deeper understanding of its powerful features.

Contact us for a software demo!