Release Notes

September 2024

TaniqWind Pro v1.06

What’s New?

  • Visualize bridging of a path over concave profile regions.

  • Support switch between Metrics and Customary unit systems for design and analysis.


  • Streamlined product loading when unknown materials exist in the loaded product.

  • Path creation option reordered for faster design generation.

  • Parameter values of material models required FEA export are required before saving the material.

  • Warning displayed for irreversible actions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a disappearing of payout geometry when changing payout definitions of a machine.

  • Editing of machine paths properly blocked when using smart filtering.

  • Fixed friction path calculation to avoid creation of long paths.

  • Fixed failed product loading if the associated machine contains unlicensed features.

  • Fixed irregular behavior of 2D plots when selected after 3D plots.

  • Fixed writing in wrong unit of relative yaw/twist coordinates for robotic tool axes.

  • Other minor bug fixes.

  • What's New?

    • Support free grouping of layers for bulk operation of assigning materials, and computing machine paths and trajectories.

    • Support setting product‐dependent winding speed in post‐processor definition files.


    • More informative interface for generating a coverage path.

    • Enable users to define certain robot geometry parameters as negative or zero.

    • Uncombine option removed from context menu when no longer applicable.

    • Remove irrelevant settings in the panel for creating a new general layer.

    Bug Fixes

    • Updating the license from within the software no longer shuts down the software.

    • Visualization and computation in Hoop Path panel made more robust.

    • Creating a buildup profile from a profile reaching zero radius is now more robust.

    • Fixed production computation issues when using a CNC machine with reduced degrees of freedom.

    • Fixed error that blocks the creation of an offset profile.

    • Editing the filtering condition of a single machine path now works correctly.

    • Improve input parsing robustness in panels.

    • Ensure correct visualization of payout axis rotation direction.

    • Other minor bug fixes.

  • What's new?

    • Updated hoop path panel to support creating multiple hoop passes at once.

    • Added context menu option to path node to delete all path nodes in the layer at once.

    • Enabled machine path parameters setting and computing for all layers at once.

    • Added support for robot to motion profiling.

    • Added velocity and acceleration as parameters of the robot TCP position, orientation, mandrel axis and track.


    • Improved orientation cut‐off when using combination of yaw and twist to minimize shear and/or twist in the material.

    • Limited support of certain yaw settings for robotic machines to ensure computational integrity for orientation.

      • Stop supporting using only the yaw axis on the tool.

      • Stop supporting trajectory orientation settings using twist orientation with extra yaw axis.

    • Upgraded to MATLAB Runtime version R2024a.

    • Added footnote to error dialog box for sharing files.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed axis resolution sign in robot extra axis panel in the machine library.

    • Fixed displayed tape width for multiple tapes per bundle in simulation and suspended tape plot.

    • Other minor bug fixes.

  • What's New?

    • Plot options that shows shear, twist, twist per meter and tape for trajectories.

    • Support for floating software licenses.


    • Polynomial approximation to path coverage plot.

    • Support for triangular elements for shell export.

    • Proper error handling to motion profile panel in case orientation out of bounds.

    • Removed Export button from toolbar Home tab.

    • Project saving process abortable with no TPA created.

    • Improved check between existing paths and edited materials when closing material libraries.

    • Better functionality to contact Taniq and sending error reports.

    • Updated motion profile panel to delay computation of a layer when opening the panel.

    • Updated motion profile panel to disable controls for non‐existing axes.

    • Updated check for profile validity when loading from file.

    • Updated robot reachability check to include track within limits check.

    Bug Fixes

    • Updated preferences panel to check whether user has write access to set folders.

    • Fixed ellipses from .dxf file to be loaded incorrectly in some cases.

    • Fixed profile corner rounding to fail for some cases.

    • Fixed trajectory filtering showing a duplicate point error in some cases.

    • Fixed object reference counter not to be reset when looping through objects with repetition tag.

    • Other minor bug fixes.

  • What's New?

    • Option to initialize the material of a new layer material from the previous layer.

    • Display winding position, velocity and acceleration of individual CNC axes of the current design.

    • Support user geometry for the payout element of the tool for both CNC and Robots.


    • Consistency and clarity of FEA export panel plots.

    • Contact Taniq button added for directly emailing Taniq for support.

    • CNC post‐processor example based on a Siemens controller added to CNC_4AxisEye_cnc2To4Axis.tmsd.

    Bug Fixes

    • Minor bug fixes.

  • What's New?

    • Start winding position is now indicated in 3D plot of the selected path.

    • Mandrel is visualized at location defined by axial offset in the machine 3D plot.

    • Support winding with multiple units per bundle.

    • Buildup profile computation supports user defined polynomial smoothening in the turn‐around zones.


    • HyperWorks

      • Nominal winding angle of a ply now uses the angle at the reference position of the corresponding path.

      • Correct unit conversion implemented.

      • Improved uniformity of the mesh seed.

      • Added a warning when mesh size is larger than the tape width.

    • Abaqus

      • Improved uniformity of the mesh seed.

      • Added a warning when mesh size is larger than the tape width.

    • HyperWorks 3D solid export

      • Supports exporting the design using 3D solid elements for Hyperworks.

    • Abaqus 2D‐axisymmetric and 3D solids export

      • Supports exporting the design using 2DA and 3D solid elements for Abaqus

    Bug Fixes

    • HyperWorks

      • Fixed incorrect drape angle and thickness assignment when the winding angle of the ply does not start at 90 deg.

    • Abaqus

      • Fixed incorrect drape angle and thickness assignment when the winding angle of the ply does not start at 90 deg when using tow‐tracking.

      • Fixed incorrect drape angle assignment by correctly considering the tape width when using axisymmetric option.

    • HyperWorks 3D solid export

      • Fixed a known issue where the meshing process is unstable in concave product sections (e.g. connection between the vessel and the boss).

    • Abaqus 2D‐axisymmetric and 3D solids export

      • Fixed a known issue wh the meshing process is unstable in concave product sections (e.g. connection between the vessel and the boss).

    • Other minor bug fixes.

Previous Release Notes

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